Supporting Communities Affected by the Bushfires


Supporting Australian Communities

We are all deeply saddened and shocked by the devastation that continues to be caused by the fires ravaging many parts of Australia.

As a proud Australian, family-owned and operated company, we know the importance of supporting your community, and are grateful for the many volunteers who are putting their lives at risk to help others through this crisis.

In the face of this national emergency, we are pleased to be able to support those providing aid directly to the communities and wildlife affected. Haircare Australia is donating $30,000 to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund to provide much-needed support to the communities who have been affected.

Evo is also donating an additional $5,000 which will go to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and WWF.  In addition, $1 from every online sale made on throughout January and February will also be donated.

Sadly, we are also aware that salons within our network have been affected by this national emergency, and if your home or business is affected, we encourage you to contact our team at for additional support.


There are many fantastic organisations providing much-needed support at this time. If you would like to donate to support their efforts:

Red Cross Disaster Relief - To find out more about the Red Cross Disaster Relief and to make your own donation. 

Salvation Army Disaster Appeal - Contribute to the Salvation Army Disaster Appeal.

To support our local rural fire services, please see each of the state links below:

To provide support for local wildlife and their carers:

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